Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sometimes, I really don't know what we got ourselves into...

So, a couple of weeks ago I was putting laundry away when I started hearing some banging outside, I looked out our big picture window at the front of the house and there were 4 unmarked police cars with police officers and their big ole rifles banging on the side of our neighbors house. Our kids were back in the den and I told them to stay in there and I set our alarm. The cops were wandering all over the front lawn and looking in windows. Scott got home and he was standing in our front lawn like a crazyhead trying to figure out what they were doing. I yelled at him to get inside. Anyway, they were there for like 3 hours and we found out from our other neighbor that it was a drug bust. I guess they cut open all the couches and everything trying to find drugs. I was on the phone with my sister NJ as it was unraveling and I said, "Scott has meant them and he thought they were really nice." Nj yelled, "That doesn't count, Scott thinks everyone is nice!!" Which is very true....Anyway here our some of he pics I tried to sneak of the cop cars. I didn;t know if I could get in trouble for that, so I had to hide to get them :)

Here is our new adorable nephew Luke!!! He was so snuggly and sweet, i just love him!! Leah and Jackson were pretty sweet with him too.
So alert for 2 weeks old!!
Jackson said in the car last night out of nowhere, "I just wish Baby Luke would never grow up, he's just the cutest baby!" He is such a sweet boy.

Snuggling with his Aunt Lauren. I have SERIOUS baby fever!!! Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer to have another one!!!
The kids playing in the new sprinkler mat that Grandma Ludlow got them. It's about all we can do outside right now with this awful summer heat!!

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