Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hard Day

As I sit dowm to write this, I don't even know what to say. Yesterday my sister Megan called me as Scott and I were writing our letters to Santa with the kids. I could tell when I answered she was upset by the quivering I could hear in her voice. She told me her best friend Lauren's little 3 1/2 month old nephew passed away at daycare and they think it was SIDS. I just gasped when she told me. It was her sisters first baby and my heart just ached for them. I have known Lauren for over 12 years now, and knowing how much she is hurting kills me. She was so excited for Conner to be born. Her sister was 4 weeks behind me in pregnancy, but anytime I'd see her she would talk about how excited she was for him to get here. At Megan's Bachelorette Party she was beaming with excitement from Conner's birth a mere 5 days before. She said she had seen her sister and Conner or talked to them everyday. She was constantly putting pictures of him on Facebook with adoring comments. So to think how all of that has changed so quickly is so scary and so confusing. I know God has a plan for all of us but sometimes instead of just having faith in that you just want to know why. I was complaining last night before Megan called about always having to clean up after everyone, Scott, the kids, the dog but now I just feel so selfish for feeling poor me. At least I have a family to take care of. I want so badly to make Lauren and her family feel better but there is absolutely nothing I can say or anyone else can say to take the pain away. All you can do is pray. Pray that somehow Lauren and her family will learn to find peace in all of this, know that Conner was loved so very deeply and know they will see him again one day. I don't know exactly what anyone who reads this will take away, but I hope at least some of you will slow down during this busy time of year and enjoy your families, your friends and really appreciate what this time of year is really about. Enjoy life, the innocence of it, because you never know when it's going to change. I hope my sister finds the strength and is blessed with a way to comfort her friend in her time of need. Please keep Lauren and her family in your prayers.

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