Friday, July 1, 2011

Summertime and SO READY FOR BABY!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows I am so not patient. I think the suspense of not knowing the sex of our baby has made the end of pregnancy that much more frustrating!! I just want to know!! Well, I want to know if it's a boy or girl and we are bringing the baby with us to Megan's Wedding in the Dominican Republic Sept 1st so we have to get it a passport. I am starting to get anxious about getting everything in time. We have to get the birth certificate and then get a passport photo of the baby with it's eyes open and then get the passport. I'm due Aug 3rd and we are leaving sept 1st...see where my stress is coming from?? I had Jackson really early, 32 weeks and had Leah at 38weeks, so I'm really hoping this one will come in the next 2 weeks, I'm 36 weeks on Tues. I have started having a lot more contractions this week and even went to the dr to make sure nothing was going on, we are going to Texas this weekend for a short trip...last one as a family of 4!!! He said nothing yet, I told him I was fine with that, being that I was only 35 weeks and we are going to be gone this weekend, but I expect better news next week, he just laughed. We have been trying to keep busy to keep my anxiety down and keep me distracted :)

Leah is turning 4 on Wednesday the 6th and I just CANNOT believe it!! She has grown up so fast and has turned into such a bright little girl. I think she is starting to sense the baby is coming soon, though. She has been more emotional this past week and definitely more needy. I have heard that kids can sense these things and I just hope she will adjust ok. She has been our baby for so long :( Jackson seems thrilled with the idea of the baby coming, he talks about it constantly and has even started to talk to the baby through my belly saying "Come out now baby because I love you and want to see you." Hopefully not too much longer!! Scott's good friend who I've mentioned on here a few times, Jeff and his family moved this week to California and we helped them pack up their moving truck, or Scott did, I played with the kids and their baby. We are really going to miss them, our kids always played so well together. We were able to go to the Sprinkler park with them and the Children's museum before they left. Here are Leah and Maryn at the Children's Museum.

Leah doing her favorite thing...COLORING

Ryan and Jackson playing in the airplane at the Children's Museum.

I've gotten past the point of caring what I look like in a swimsuit. I'm huge, I'm uncomfortable and most of all I'm HOT!!! We have all shade in our backyard so it's not a good place to put the kids pool, so we put it in the front yard where we have tons of pretty grass and lots of sun. Last weekend, we set up the pool, I wore my tankini and shorts and Scott made an obstacle course for him and the kids. It was a lot of fun to watch them play, I can't wait until I can join them for games like that again!!! Scott is such a kid at heart!

This is their starting stance to run through their obstacle course

Scott running back through the pool to the finish line

A shot of Scott DIVING into the pool, it's amazing he didn't pop it :)

Jackson running through the sprinklers, he looks so funny here!! HAHAHA!

Action shot of Jackson diving into pool

After we were done with the pool, I was out front and our mailman was delivering the mail he said he walked by earlier and saw us playing in the pool. He said at first he didn't see the kids and he thought Scott and I were practicing some waterbirth. Hahaha!!

Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!! Keep your fingers crossed that baby Ludlow makes their appearance soon!!!

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